Whether you’re looking to try a beginner-level class or an advanced yogi, we’ve got options for you to fit your unique practice goals.

Below you can see what type of classes you will have access to once you sign up as a member of yogafive.

Good Morning Awakening Flow

Awakening Flow with Tonni
21 min ·  Level 3

Yin for the Spine

Yoga for Runners

Spine and Back with Crystal May
20 min ·  Level 1

Yoga for Runners with Crystal May
15 min ·  Level 1

Manifestation Meditation

Manifest with Tonni
16 min ·  Level 1

Pranayama & Meditation For Beginners

Pranayama & Meditation with Crystal May
15 min ·  Level 1

Ladder Flow

Spicy Hips

Flow with Tonni
32 min ·  Level 3

Spicy Hips with Crystal May
16 min ·  Level 2

Hamstring Class

Power Flow

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga with Crystal May
15 mins · Level 1

Bedtime Yin

Bedtime Yin with Tonni Fudge
33 mins · Level 1

Power Flow with Tonni
40 min ·  Level 4

Hamstrings with Tonni
32 min ·  Level 2

Morning Flow

Morning Flow with Crystal May
20 mins · Level 2


Yin for hips & adductors with Crystal May
18 mins · Level 2


Seven-day Core Series

Strengthen your core during this spicy core series. These classes are designed for both beginners and experienced practitioners to get deep into their core muscles to help support their practice. Great to add on to another practice or to do on it’s own.

7 classes

Hips & Hamstring Series

Open and strengthen your hips and your hamstrings with this beautiful 5-class series that is perfect for all levels. From flow-style classes to relaxing yin-style classes this will have you feeling open and wanting to come back for more.

5 classes

Yoga for Runners

A collection of classes designed to speed up recovery time between runs, prevent injury, increase strength and speed, reduce tension and discomfort, while creating balance in the body and mind. Adding these simple stretches to my running schedule helped me trim 15 mins off my race time as well as prevent any further damage to my pre-existing injuries.

3 classes

Flow & Go

Yoga Detox

Yoga Detox with Crystal May
10 mins · Level 1

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra with Tonni Fudge
25 mins · Level 1

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga with Crystal May
40 mins · Level 1

Yin (Lumbar Love)

Finding your Splits

Finding your splits with Tonni Fudge
22 mins · Level 3

Yin & Yang

Yin & Yang with Tonni Fudge
40 mins · Level 3

Hip Mobility

Hip Mobility with Tonni Fudge
14 mins · Level 2

Open Your Heart

Open Your Heart with Tonni Fudge
21 mins · Level 3

Prana & Meditation

Alternate Nostril Breath & 2 Min Meditation
8 mins · Level 1

Prana & Meditation

Kapalabhati (Skull Shining) & Meditation
7 mins · Level 1

Yin (Liver Meridian)

Yin with Crystal May
28 mins · Level 1

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga with Crystal May
25 mins · Level 1

Beginner Sun Salutation

Sun Salutation with Tonni Fudge
12 mins · Level 1

Deep Hip Opening

Deep Hip Opening with Tonni Fudge
30 mins · Level 2

Flo’ & Go

Flo’ & Go with Tonni Fudge
10 mins · Level 2


Yin/Restorative with Crystal May
35 mins · Level 1

Yin with Crystal May
25 mins · Level 1

Let’s Try Handstand

Let’s Try Handstand with Tonni Fudge
30 mins · Level 3

Morning Flo’ & Go with Tonni Fudge
15 mins · Level 4

Belly Breathing

Belly Breathing with Crystal May
5 mins · Level 1

Shoulder Mobility

Shoulder Mobility and Stretch with Tonni Fudge 23 mins · Level 1

New class every Friday!
Next Class: Friday, August 18th

Finding Trust in Yourself with Tonni Fudge
20 mins · Level 4

I am Becoming Dedicated

EFT Tapping with Andrea Isherwood

35 mins · Level 1

Open the Heart Yin

New Video Every Friday!
Next Video: Friday, February 9th

Connects & Incites my Passions

Tapping into an Energy that Connects & Incites my Passions with Andrea Isherwood
28 Mins · Level 1

Releasing physical pain from the Body

Releasing Physical Pain with Andrea Isherwood
32 Mins · Level 1

Gentle Flow

Gentle Flow with Tonni Fudge
34 mins · Level 1

Coming Soon!

New Video Coming soon

Coming Soon!

New Video Coming soon

Coming Soon!

New Video Every Friday!
Next Video: Friday, March 1st

Coming Soon!

New Video Coming soon

move with us.